
My name is Frank Lenaerts and I’m born and raised in Antwerp, nowadays I live in East Flanders near Ghent in Belgium. I’m married to Jill and I have 2 daughters called Anaïs and Stina. For a living, I’m a Project Manager who guides web application development in the right direction. I started to take my first pictures at the age of sixteen.

However, it turned into a real passion a couple of years later when I started to experiment with macro photography. The fact you could visualize details, too hard to catch with the naked eye, really appealed to me and made me want to capture the miraculous wonder of nature with my camera. I developed a particular interest in, what gives most people the creeps, spiders. Until today, those scary little creatures still remain one of my favorite objects.


A bit later, a fascination for rollercoasters from childhood over time resulted in an active participation within a club for amusement parks enthusiasts.  Being an organizing force behind numerous visits to theme parks and fairs in Europe as well as the US, I had the chance to practice and to take a lot of pictures.  There wasn’t a single moment when I left home without my trusty camera at my side.  And to be honest, theme parks like Disney have a lot of great opportunities to take moody shots!

After a sabbatical as a result of a busy period, I’m glad the photography bug has caught me again. I expanded my equipment with some new gear and try to capture the beauty of our travels.  During my spare time, I invest a lot in learning new things and techniques.  Currently I focus on landscape and nature photography.  In the end, I just try to enjoy as much as possible.

You may not use these photos on any web page, commercial or non-commercial, for profit or non-profit, without my written permission.